Post by PandaLover on Aug 30, 2007 17:53:09 GMT -5
Well, since I know we're not supposed to post personal rants, I'll keep it short and simple. Much as my mom doesn't call it this, I've been grounded. I got an F on a math quiz. I knew all the stuff, but the moment of the test, I froze and my brain went dead: thus I bombed the test. Then I found out that I'm just flat out getting an F in math. She doesn't know this yet, but she will as soon as I talk to her next, face to face. My mom really hasn't ever grounded me, or made me feel grounded. Though now I really feel grounded, so that's what I'm calling it. So what am I grounded from? Computer. I'm only allowed one and a half hours of computer per day until she sees an improvement in my grades. Let's all hope that's soon.... Though the real reason that I posted this was to tell you all that I will most certainly not be online as much as usual. And thus, I made a little list of the people whom may move my Pykiin around if needed. Mayonaka (and Honoo): Farnley Kombu Mizu: Sinsoo Yue: Sinsoo Amai: Gabelet Yooso: Charmwing Jimen: .:I_Like_Merrit:. Akiyama: Sinsoo (since he is Mizu's brother, and I think Sinsoo knows him best) Kazuki: Silent Moon Yume: Sinsoo (same as Akiyama) Kawa: Sinsoo Tsuki: Sinsoo Miroke: Charmwing Masashi: Charmwing Kiriya: Sinsoo (same as Akiyama) Ichigo: Sinsoo (same as Akiyama) Yasashii: Gabelet and Farnley Kombu Wow, I just noticed how many connections Sinsoo has in my pounce. ^^; Well, just so ya' all know, the reason Sinsoo is on there so many times is because she and I talk about our Pykiin's characters a lot, so she knows them rather well. Thanks, and I'm sorry that I got that grade... I feel kinda guilty, even toward my online friends. ~Panda
Post by sinsoo on Aug 30, 2007 17:56:32 GMT -5
Once again I am sorry about this *hugs*
Post by PonyMama on Aug 30, 2007 17:57:27 GMT -5
Math is needed and I understand a mother's frustration with an F. Sorry Panda. I hope you can raise your grade soon.
Also sorry if I do not seem overly sypathetic, if I had ever brought home an F Grounded would have been a wonderful place for me.
Post by PandaLover on Aug 30, 2007 18:02:01 GMT -5
Eh, it doesn't bother me at all, PM. And honestly, I wasn't looking for sympathy to begin with. Though the only two reasons that I'm disappointed are that I'm extreemely disappointed in myself. And also because... well, to be honest, I kind of have an addiction to this place, and if I can't check in at least once every twenty-four hours or so, I start to panic, and get a headache. The same thing happened when I was gone for a week during the Summer. But I'll still be here, just not nearly as much. I just spoke to my mom over the phone, and she said that she was going to talk to my math teacher. I want to get out of Honors math rather badly, really. But I don't think my mom wants me out. But if I get bad grades, then even though it's only eighth grade, what if a collage looks back on it and sees a bit fat C, D, or F on one of my report cards? Even just a C and I might consider Summer school, even though I won't really have to unless I get an F.
Post by PonyMama on Aug 30, 2007 18:08:09 GMT -5
Well maybe approaching your mom differently.
Explaining that Honors math although better is definitely harder and getting bad grades does not help encourage you to work harder. Maybe explaining that (I am guessing this is now high school or junior high? not too sure in America, but in Canada 8th grade is the beginning of High School) this year you would rather take regular matha dn maybe once you figure out the harder types of math you will approach the subject of honors math for the next grade.
Sometimes it can work.
I know you weren't asking for it, I just didnt want people thinking what I was saying was mean.
Post by sinsoo on Aug 30, 2007 18:10:16 GMT -5
High school starts in 9th grade for America but different school's say different things
Post by PandaLover on Aug 30, 2007 18:14:06 GMT -5
For some kids HS starts in 9th, for some, it starts in 8th. That's American public school for ya'. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, PM. Then I could just try and see what after-school tutoring is like so that I can still stay caught up with Honors.... Hmm, this is giving me good ideas to talk to my mom with. Thanks.
Post by PonyMama on Aug 30, 2007 18:15:29 GMT -5
Well either way I know that 8th grade math can be a challenge, for even people who get straight A's in Math (Waves at everyone stupidly, Yeah I mean me)
So I am sure honors is even more difficult, and to get bad grades does not help. I managed to drop Social Studies (history) is 8th grade becasue I wasn't getting it with the teacher I had and was not doing well.
Sometimes going at a situation from a different angle helps. Plus being a mom myself now my mom and I talk a lot and she has given me tips.
Post by PandaLover on Aug 30, 2007 18:20:37 GMT -5
Personally, I think that if my old math teacher would just teach 8th grade Honors I'd be just fine. She explained things like... like she was on stage in a play. It was really cool, and we really enjoyed being there. This math teacher goes too fast, and while he tells us to ask him to slow down, he doesn't exactly slow down during class, we'd have to stay after school or come in during lunch, neither of which I have time for, since during lunch I work in the Cafeteria, and after school my Oma picks up my brother and I from school. Social Studies, actually, is the class, next to English, that I love the most. <3 Though I'm not going to quit any of my classes, even if I get the chance. Unless, of course, my High School next year had Chinese or Japanese as electives.
Post by PonyMama on Aug 30, 2007 18:24:42 GMT -5
Wel I was able to replace Science and Socials with Art, for all my years of Highschool and was able to drop French (which I am sorry I am not interested in, I prefer Sign) to add another Study Break which I used to do Studying in a classroom, of Science and Socials so I could do an independant study of them. (I took different variations of these courses)
*My Councellor understood that I learn better by myself and so did my mom. My dad on the other hand kicked me out and wouldn't let me come back, becasue of how I was doign my schooling. SO be happy you can still live at your mom's.
Post by Ebony Adara on Aug 30, 2007 18:25:19 GMT -5
T'aww, *hugs* I suck at math, but teacher keeps my grade up for Effort. I have an F in Social studies, but it now as we speak a D in one day, I hope you raise it soon.
Post by PonyMama on Aug 30, 2007 18:25:42 GMT -5
I am sure you will catch up and do well. and I am sure you adn your mom can come to an agreement. Just talk and make sure that if one way of talking to her is not working, try get the same point across another way.
Post by PandaLover on Aug 30, 2007 18:28:27 GMT -5
Oh, I'm so sorry, PM. Yes, I am lucky I still live with my Mom and Dad. I hope everything is going ok for you, though. Thanks, Merrit. And I hope your Social Studies gets better, as well. I like my math teacher's way of doing homework, though. As long as we did the problems, we get full credit, even if they aren't right, but there's proof that we tried. He thinks we learn better from seeing what we did wrong, instead of grading for points.
Post by PonyMama on Aug 30, 2007 18:30:57 GMT -5
I am doing great, Hate my dad and Love my mom, works well.
You are lucky, and do not be afraid to in class ask your teacher to explain in detail, even if you have to ask him during class up at his desk area, while you should be doing other tupes of problems to explain in detail how to fix your mistakes. Most teachers will help you and show you how to fix your mistakes,s o next time it comes easier.
Post by Ebony Adara on Aug 30, 2007 18:31:09 GMT -5
Well ym math skills get better everyday. When I started 8th grade I could only get two Fractions right, now I am at 38/40 on most my tests and I'm doing better in Gym. I can lift 100 LB on each weights in Gym *throws confetti* But I hope you do pass. My mom will never know until my Progress Repart *disappears* *plays dramtic music*